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Thank You
Volunteer Application Form
Step 1 of 4
Applicant Info
Thank you for your willingness to serve with Highland Park United Methodist Church! In compliance with our conference's serving policies, please kindly complete the following background check form, provided to you by ChristianBackgroundChecks. As a Fair Credit Reporting Act organization, ChristianBackgroundChecks is required to include all of the following forms. Please note that Highland Park United Methodist Church will only request a criminal background check for its volunteers, and accordingly, ChristianBackgroundChecks will only run a criminal background check, nothing else. You will know you have completed the online background check when you have submitted the 4th signature page, and a "thank you" page will appear. If you have any questions, you may contact the Serving Ministry Lead at HPUMC at 214-521-3111. Thank you again for serving!